*title This Path I've Chosen *author Katie Cope *scene_list startup chapter 1 chapter 2 *create name "Unknown" *create intelligence 0 *create strength 0 *create endurance 0 *create will 0 *create empathy 0 *create perception 0 *create dexterity 0 *create agility 0 *create age 22 *create year 2170 *create health 40 *create ruthless 50 *create compassionate 50 *create lazy 50 *create motivated 50 *create stubborn 50 *create passive 50 *create gender "Unknown" *create he 0 *create boy 0 *create his 0 *create him 0 *create mentor "Unknown" *create lover "Unknown" *create rin 0 *create hideaki 0 *create minori 0 *create seiichi 0 *create hitomi 0 *create kimiko 0 *create daiyu 0 *create bongcha 0 *create myung 0 *create yasushi 0 *create chiyoko 0 *create hiroshi 0 *create miwa 0 *create aaliyah 0 *create kazue 0 *create nari 0 *create daisuke 0 *create saburo 0 *create estela 0 *create liling 0 *create lei 0 *create akarsh 0 *create callan 80 *create mom 90 *create eron 60 *create ingrid 70 *create ana 80 *create louise 70 *create walbert 70 *create alliance "Unknown" *create alliance_unknown false *create son 0 There was no shortcut out of this, no plan to come up with, no exit strategy. Thinking back on your life, on all the choices you've made, you can't help but feel slightly disappointed at your inevitable death. This is where it ends? This is how it ends? No martyr death that would be sung about for years to come? Just this, a single car tipped upside down in a ditch, the moon not even bothering to light the abandoned stretch of road, and with only you trapped inside. Smoke clogged your lungs and stung your eyes as the fire raged around you. You couldn't move, couldn't scream, couldn't even beg whatever Gods might be up there for help. No one was coming for you. Hell, no one even knew you were here. You squirmed in your seat before lifting one hand and tugging at the seatbelt crushing your chest. At this rate the damned belt would suffocate you before anything else could finish you off...or maybe that was just your broken ribs talking. The sharp [i]pop[/i] that sounded from somewhere nearby warned you of what you already knew; this car was nothing but a ticking time bomb turned coffin. The heavy scent of gas, coupled with the thick cloud of smoke, brought a fresh bought of dizziness and nausea into you. As your vision began to blur and a bright light appeared before your eyes you couldn't help but wonder... *page_break [i]How did it come to this?[/i]